How Julius Caesar would have kept his toga clean with the help of Roomba

How Julius Caesar would have kept his toga clean with the help of Roomba

Written by Terry Lawson on February 12, 2025 at 3:16 PM

Ave, dear readers, and lend me your ears! Today, we're stepping into ancient Rome, a civilisation where the toga was the height of fashion and conquering Gaul was merely a weekend activity. Picture this: Julius Caesar, the man of the hour, was preparing to write his famous "Commentarii de Bello Gallico" when he stumbles upon a foreign contraption that could revolutionise his bustling Roman palace – a Roomba. Yes, you heard it right, the robot that vacuums.

The Suave and the Sweeper

To say that the Roman Empire was a dusty affair would be the understatement of the century. The Romans built roads, aqueducts, and quite possibly the world's first indoor dust collection. The noble Julius, cursed with dusty floors and toga-dirt dilemmas, couldn't have foreseen household chores as his greatest enemy. Enter the Roomba – the pinnacle of convenience and the most loyal of household servants since the Roman slave – and instantly, a cultural cornerstone was born.

For a man like Caesar, whose to-do list consisted of "Conquer Britain" and "Defeat Pompey", the Roomba offered both the gift of time and cleanliness. It’s hard to look authoritative while lecturing about the crossing of the Rubicon with mud clinging to your robes after all. Not only did the Roomba mark the beginning of his untarnished toga triumph, but with its automated programming, Caesar had newfound time to deal with more pressing matters, like whether or not to have his beans on toast with a side of Empire expansionism.

The Legion of Roombas

In true Roman fashion, once the novelty wore off, Caesar saw the Roomba’s potential as a strategic asset. As Roman spears needed tip-top floors as a reflection of their shiny, well-groomed armour, Roombas became the secret weapon of choice in training camps. The men would learn to manoeuvre in formation around the little whizzing gadgets, a drill far more stringent than any Gaelic ambush.

All roads might lead to Rome, but if each was cleaned by a Roomba? Roads wouldn’t only lead there; they’d positively gleam! What’s more, every Roomba would be embedded with a tiny mosaic tile of Caesar’s profile, ensuring the man’s presence was felt throughout the empire, even when he had to pop over to Alexandria to dazzle Cleopatra.

To Breathe, Perchance to Sweep

On occasions when Julius Caesar needed inspiration, he would do as all writers do: procrastinate. The Roomba became his muse. Watching it whirl around, a symphony of suction and bump, often lent him clarity when considering affairs of both heart and state. Writers like Cicero and Tacitus noted how an unclean mind yields merely utterances of chaos. Thanks to the trusty Roomba, Julius wove his thoughts as cleanly as the machine wove its paths across roman tiles. His writings, polished as they were, gave even the most stubborn senators pause for reflection.

The Showdown at Senate Sweep

The Ides of March added a theatrical twist to the Roomba tale. Had the senators known Julius had decided to bring a cadre of them as part of his personal security detail, perhaps his fate would have turned out differently. Picture, if you will, the moment, a scuffle, a bang, a hapless Brutus stumbling upon a zig-zagging Roomba before tripping headfirst. History never quite revealed if the senators feared their tidy reputation might be on the line if they left a good vacuuming unattended.

In an ending unforeseen by even the most visionary sibyls, the Roombas would clatter into the curia, distracting the conspirators long enough for Caesar to look dreamily towards the senate’s dusty corner and say, “Et tu, Roomba?” before enacting his next great plan of tidiness upon his return.

Concluding Clean

Though we leave Julius Caesar’s version of reality with a shiny twist, the lesson remains integral, even within the boundaries of humour and whimsy: modern technology could drastically change the course of history. Roombas in the Roman Empire may have swept the nation clean, but they also provided an opportunity to imagine how the humdrum and the historic could mix with modern creativity.

So next time you gaze upon that whirring little gadget in your own home, remember the power it wields – to conquer dust, defy time, and perhaps make emperors of us all.

Terry Lawson
Terry Lawson
Terry is a curious and imaginative writer with a passion for both history and technology. With a flair for humor, wit, and detailed storytelling, Terry paints vivid pictures of how historical figures and events might have unfolded differently if they had access to modern technology.