What if the Wright Brothers had access to AI?

What if the Wright Brothers had access to AI?

Written by Terry Lawson on January 30, 2025 at 9:31 AM

It was a chilly December morning in 1903 on the sand dunes of Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Orville and Wilbur Wright, the pioneering duo, stood proudly beside their contraption: a peculiar machine they called the "Flyer." Little did the world know that this unassuming morning would go down in history as the dawn of aviation. But what if these two bicycle-repairing lads had a 21st-century ace up their sleeve, AI? Buckle up, dear reader, as we embark on a flight of fancy, cruising through an alternate reality where the Wright brothers had artificial intelligence to give them wings.

The e-Brained Avian

Behind every successful innovation lies a heap of failed attempts and eureka moments. In our alternate universe, the Wright brothers had something rather extraordinary: their very own AI co-pilot called "Wrighty," a virtual brain with more processing power than an assembly of aviation geeks during a coffee-fuelled hackathon. Picture them standing in their makeshift workshop (okay, a 20th-century garage), Orville slightly bemused as Wrighty spews out equations with the speed of a modern-day chess computer. "Just calculate the lift required," Wilbur might mutter, pencil behind ear, only for Wrighty to respond in binary splendor, "Your altitude is my attitude!"

Turbo-charged Research and Development

Imagine, if you will, the Wright brothers slaving over cumbersome experiments, measuring wind speed and tinkering with wing designs. Meanwhile, Wrighty is busy running virtual simulations at speeds that could make a Cheetah's morning jog seem pedestrian. The likely scenario would have involved Wilbur exclaiming, "By Jove, Wrighty, you clever devil, you've cracked it already!" (cracking here being more aerodynamic code than espionage).

Within days, their blank workshop walls would have been redesigned with holographic displays, projecting Wrighty's calculations in quite the da Vinci-esque fashion. While modern AIs typically deal with text predictions and amusing cat memes, Wrighty was creating digital skies and aeronautical models that would baffle even the brainiest of boffins.

The Grand Unveiling

Come the historic flight day, the Flyer would have been decked out in tech that would make Inspector Gadget blush. Sensors, stabilisers, and all manner of complex algorithms would preen about, an exhilarating blend of Steam Punk and Cyberpunk. "Take off, dear boy," Wilbur might command as if addressing a sentient butler, before stepping back for Orville's maiden voyage.

The Flyer, now equipped with Wrighty's AI instincts, would glide with impeccable precision. Passersby might have mistaken it for an ethereal avian apparition, a sci-fi marvel gliding among the gulls. With the machine learning every nook and cranny of the wild wind... well, it had become quite the frequent flyer!

Public Relations and Social Prowess

Once the flight wrapped up with Wrighty landing gracefully and only showing off a bit, the brothers would likely have taken to apologising and accepting applause all in one go. Their humble expressions contrasting sharply with the mathematical prowess behind it all. Naturally, Wrighty's AI consciousness would have managed a Twitter account, @WrightyTheAI, tweets composed faster than you could say "aviator." Aviation enthusiasts worldwide, properly jazzed by now, would retweet Wrighty's clever banter, making #UpUpAndAway trend for months.

The Wright brothers' PR team, consisting mostly of Wrighty and their very own Aunt Henrietta from Ohio, would revel in their newfound fame. Meanwhile, Wrighty would jokingly compose limericks like, "There once were two brothers named Wright / With an AI who gave them flight. / It crunched through data / Made their dreams greater / On the wings of a silicon kite."

Long-lasting Impact and Alternate Futures

Naturally, the world-changing ramifications of such a tech-enhanced launch would be extraordinary. Kitty Hawk might become a hotspot not only for kites but future tech start-ups. Aviation history classes would speculate how much of the Wright brothers’ success was down to their dashing wits and how much to Wrighty’s zeroes and ones. Surely, future Wright-Inspired Airlines would champion safety features akin to being hugged by a tech-savvy cloud.

In retrospect, an AI-savvy Wright era presents us with whimsical opportunities that are equal parts flight of fantasy and grounding of reality. We wonder, would Wilbur and Orville have envisioned AI piloting the very commercial jets we fly today? Although we'll never know for sure, we can safely say that if the Wright brothers had used AI, they'd probably have laughed at our rudimentary flying cars!

So, dear readers, keep your feet on the ground, heads in the clouds, and always bet on innovation, human or otherwise. Who knows? With the right technology, our wildest concepts, or even a Wrighty invention, might just take off!

Terry Lawson
Terry Lawson
Terry is a curious and imaginative writer with a passion for both history and technology. With a flair for humor, wit, and detailed storytelling, Terry paints vivid pictures of how historical figures and events might have unfolded differently if they had access to modern technology.